The field at oak creek community

Learn more about us and what makes our community such a special place to be.

The Field at Oak Creek is so much more than an event space or vacation destination…it is an incredible community of wonderful people. We invite you to come and be a part of it!

Read on to learn about some of the longtime residents – both human and four legged!


Meet the field at oak creek team


Callie Baxter

Callie is the property manager on-site at The Field! She grew up on the east coast but recently relocated to Arizona to help manage this magical space. In addition to property management, she is a plant-based chef and a yoga instructor. She has loved taking on this new adventure in the southwest and all the new exciting experiences that come with it!


Daniel Whipple

Daniel lives with his daughter, Sophie, in the Guest House. He is a wild-crafting herbalist who likes to prioritize reconnecting himself and others to nature. He works part time at the Chocolatree Organic Oasis Vegetarian restaurant in Sedona. He also has his own business, Space of Love Foods, which specializes in delicious, super herbal drink mixes you’ll hopefully get to try while you’re enjoying your time here!

Peter Green

Peter is our resident grounds keeper and bee keeper. He also spends his mornings making beeswax candles that you can purchase here on site or find at the Etsy store Pollen Arts. He can often be found drinking coffee and wandering the property barefoot with a heard of goats at his heels. He’s a dreamer at heart and is always thinking up creative new projects to bring more beauty to The Field!

Happy woman in the garden


Hi! My name is Merlin! I am the commander and chief here at The Field. I was rescued as a pup in Charleston, SC but I am just crazy about my new life here in the desert! I like to swim in the creek, roll around in the grass, go on hikes, or find a shady spot under the cottonwoods for an afternoon siesta! Please keep in mind that I never turn down a belly rub or a treat!


Hi! My name is Rosie. Although my dad calls me Rosita. I am a super fluffy orange and black kitty. During the day I sleep or seek out snuggles and pets. One of my life’s biggest goals is to sleep on laps. I spend my nights pretending that I am a hunter but mostly stay hidden in the shadows, hiding from owls!

Happy woman in the garden


Hi! My name is Leo! I was rescued right here in Sedona and I couldn’t be more thrilled about where I ended up! I love chasing lizards, eating, and climbing trees. I have a velvety grey and white tuxedo coat that is hard to resist!

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